Lateral Brow Lift: A Multi-Point Suture Fixation Technique

    September 2015 in “ Archives of Plastic Surgery
    Andreas Foustanos, Georgios Drimouras, Konstantinos Panagiotopoulos
    TLDR The lateral brow lift technique is safe, effective, and provides long-lasting results.
    The study described an open surgical technique for lateral brow lifts aimed at achieving reliable, predictable, and long-lasting results. The procedure involved making an incision behind the temporal hairline, extending through various fascia layers, and securing the lateral brow with sutures to the galea aponeurotica. A total of 519 patients were included, with 94.41% achieving satisfactory brow elevation. Complications included total relapse (8 patients), partial relapse (21 patients), neurapraxia of the frontal branch of the facial nerve (5 patients), and limited alopecia in the temporal incision (9 patients). The technique was considered safe and effective with long-lasting results.
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