Measuring the Impact on Quality of Life of Infants with Atopic Dermatitis in a Dedicated Clinic
February 2009
in “
Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology

TLDR Atopic dermatitis significantly lowers the quality of life for infants and their families.
The study titled "Measuring the impact on quality of life of infants with atopic dermatitis in a dedicated clinic" assessed the quality of life (QOL) impact of atopic dermatitis (AD) on infants and their families using validated questionnaires. The study involved 51 infants with a mean age of 23 months who attended a pediatric dermatology clinic over a 6-month period. Parents completed the Infants' Dermatitis Quality of Life Index (IDQOL), Dermatitis Family Impact (DFI), and Patient Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM) questionnaires. The results showed that the mean IDQOL was 8.04, mean DFI score was 8.7, and POEM score was 12.3, with a strong positive correlation between AD severity and QOL scores. The study concluded that AD significantly impacts the QOL of both infants and their families, and the dedicated clinic allowed for targeted consultation focusing on high-scoring QOL items. No commercial support was identified for this study.