Specific Interpretation of Hair Concentrations in Two Fatal Metformin Intoxication Cases
February 2021
in “
Legal Medicine

TLDR Hair analysis showed very high metformin levels in two fatal overdose cases, suggesting it's useful in forensics but sweat may affect results.
The document reported on two fatal cases of metformin intoxication, where hair analysis was used post-mortem to detect metformin concentrations. The study found significantly higher levels of metformin in the hair of the deceased (28.3-44.8 ng/mg for case 1 and 22.5 ng/mg for case 2) compared to those under treatment or in non-fatal cases. These elevated hair concentrations were suggested to be due to contamination from excessive sweating during the agonal phase. The findings, although based on only two cases, suggest that hair analysis can be a valuable forensic tool in assessing drug exposure and potential overdose, with the caveat that sweat contamination can influence the results.