George's Story

    January 2015 in “ Hair therapy & transplantation
    Malcolm Mendelsohn
    Image of study
    TLDR Hair restoration greatly improved George's confidence and self-identity.
    In an editorial from 2015, Malcolm Mendelsohn shared a personal account of the profound impact hair restoration can have on an individual's life through the story of his client, George. George, who had total top scalp loss and had become non-communicative after losing his hair, underwent a hair system fitting process that took about 6 weeks. The hairpiece, which was very realistic, was made using a template of George's scalp and a lock of his hair for color matching. Some time after the fitting, George visited the salon where Mendelsohn was getting his hair cut. George, looking younger and with a newfound confidence, thanked Mendelsohn for the hairpiece, demonstrating a complete transformation in his demeanor and self-identity. This experience deeply affected Mendelsohn, highlighting the significant emotional and psychological effects that hair loss and restoration can have on a person.
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