Clinical and Dermoscopic Profile of Female Pattern Hair Loss
January 2024
in “
Asian Journal of Medical Sciences

TLDR Dermoscopes help tell FPHL apart from other hair loss types and can detect it early by identifying specific patterns.
The study, conducted on 300 patients diagnosed with Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL), found that the mean age of patients was 46.99±13.8 years and most were asymptomatic. Dermoscopic findings revealed that hair diameter diversity of >20% and miniaturized hair were the most common features in all patients. Honeycombing and yellow dots were observed in 17% and 8.4% of patients respectively. The study concluded that dermoscopes are useful in differentiating FPHL from other causes of diffuse hair loss. The presence of yellow dots and honeycombs indicated advanced FPHL, suggesting that dermoscopy can aid in early detection and treatment of FPHL.