Cystoid Macular Edema in Uveitis: An Unsolved Problem

    January 2001 in “ Eye
    Gwenyth Freeman
    TLDR Treating cystoid macular oedema in uveitis is difficult and risky.
    The document highlighted the challenges in studying cystoid macular oedema (CMO) associated with uveitis, noting the lack of prospective randomized controlled studies and the reliance on retrospective data. Treatment was largely empirical, with repeated courses often necessary and diminishing efficacy over time. Long-term steroid use and immunosuppressive drugs posed significant health risks, including hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, and organ toxicity. Accurate assessment of macular changes was crucial for understanding and predicting visual outcomes. The use of tools like SLO, OCT, and electrodiagnostic tests showed promise but required validation. A prospective analysis, especially with therapeutic intervention, was needed to better understand and treat CMO in uveitis patients.
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