Association of Corrugator Supercilii and Procerus Myectomy With Endoscopic Browlift Outcomes

    September 2019 in “ JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery
    Sidney Starkman, David A. Sherris
    TLDR Removing certain muscles during a browlift reduces glabellar wrinkles better long-term.
    The study investigated the outcomes of combining corrugator supercilii and procerus myectomy with endoscopic browlift procedures in 23 patients. It found that the combined procedure significantly improved dynamic glabellar wrinkle reduction compared to browlifts without muscle resection. Patients who underwent the combined procedure experienced higher satisfaction rates and were rated as appearing "more refreshed" by blinded observers. Pain, numbness, and muscle weakness were minimal and comparable between groups. The study concluded that the myectomy technique provided a natural and lasting enhancement of the forehead and glabellar region, supporting its use despite the trend towards minimally invasive procedures.
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