Complicated Trichotillomania of a Trichobezoar: A Clinical Case
November 2023
in “
Scholars academic journal of biosciences

TLDR Trichotillomania can cause severe complications like hairballs in the stomach, needing surgery and psychiatric care.
Trichotillomania, a disorder characterized by repetitive hair pulling, can lead to significant alopecia and, in some cases, trichophagia (ingestion of hair), resulting in trichobezoars. This case study of a 7-year-old girl highlights the severe complications of trichotillomania, including abdominal pain due to a trichobezoar, initially misdiagnosed as alopecia areata. The condition requires surgical intervention followed by psychiatric treatment. The study emphasizes the need for awareness, early diagnosis, and interdepartmental collaboration to manage the psychosocial factors and medical complications associated with trichotillomania.