Clippers Are Superior to Scissors in the Collection of Hair for Chemical Analysis in Companion Dogs: A Dog Aging Project Preliminary Study

    Bobbie Ditzler, Jeremy B. Evans, Kate Illing, Matt Kaeberlein, Daniel Promislow, Eleanor Brindle, Jessica M. Hoffman, Kate E. Creevy
    TLDR Clippers are the best tool for collecting dog hair for chemical tests, being fast and stress-free for the dog.
    This preliminary study from the Dog Aging Project compared clippers, scissors, and razors for collecting hair samples from 25 companion dogs. Clippers were found to be superior, providing consistent hair mass, minimal contamination, and requiring less restraint, making them the preferred tool for hair collection. Both clippers and scissors provided adequate samples for cortisol analysis, with no significant difference in cortisol concentrations. Hair length affected collection quality, with long-haired dogs scoring higher. The study supports the use of clippers for efficient and quality hair sample collection in dogs.
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