Original Study: Clinical Research on 1505 Patients with Alopecia
January 2000
in “

TLDR Hair loss was most commonly due to alopecia areata, androgenetic alopecia, and telogen effluvium, with a higher number of cases in the 1990s and equal occurrence in men and women.
The study, conducted from March 1978 to July 1998, analyzed clinical records of 1505 patients with various types of alopecia at the Department of Dermatology, Chonbuk National University Medical School. The incidence of alopecia patients among total new patients was 2.9%, with a higher incidence in the 1990s (4.7%) compared to the 1980s (1.24%). The most common types of alopecia were alopecia areata (55.0%), androgenetic alopecia (26.1%), and telogen effluvium (7.0%). The sex distribution was almost equal with 761 men and 744 women, and the peak incidence was in the third decade of life. The majority of patients sought treatment within 3 to 6 months of initial hair loss. The relapse rate after treatment in alopecia areata was 29.4%, and 7.4% showed no response to treatment. The most common causes of telogen effluvium were childbirth and febrile illness. Accidental alopecia occurred most commonly in women (79%), and all patients with nutritional alopecia and traction alopecia were women.