Review of Ayurvedic Concept of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

    Suman Kumari, Anjana Saxena
    TLDR PCOS can be treated with Ayurvedic therapies that balance doshas and improve digestion.
    The review explored the Ayurvedic understanding of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), a common disorder in women of reproductive age characterized by menstrual irregularities, androgen excess, and ovarian cysts. The authors examined classical Ayurvedic texts, particularly the Charaka Samhita, and conducted an extensive literature search. They concluded that PCOS could be considered a kapha-vata predominant tridoshaja vikara, with agnimandhya (digestive fire impairment) being a primary cause. Effective treatment involves tridosha pacifying and agnivardhak (digestive fire enhancing) therapies, including uttarvasti (medicated enema).
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