Amniotic Allograft Implantation for Midface Aging Correction: A Retrospective Comparative Study with Platelet-Rich Plasma
June 2019
in “
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

TLDR Amniotic allograft may be more effective than platelet-rich plasma for midface aging treatment.
In 2019, three studies were conducted comparing the effectiveness of amniotic allograft implantation and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in correcting midface aging. The first study involved 120 participants and found that amniotic allograft implantation showed a significantly higher improvement rate than PRP. The second study, involving eight patients, found that both treatments improved midface volume, but the amniotic allograft group experienced less downtime and slightly more rapid improvements. The third study also found that amniotic allograft showed slightly superior results in improving midface volume loss compared to PRP at 12 weeks post-treatment, but noted that the improvements were subtle and the evaluation was partly subjective. All studies concluded that amniotic allograft could be a more effective treatment for midface aging compared to PRP, but further research was recommended due to limitations such as small sample sizes.