Activity And Safety Tests Study Of Ethanolic Extract Of Hibiscus Leaves (Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis L.) Hair Tonic In Hair Growth Of Male Rabbits

    January 2014
    Amelia Febriani, Berna Elya, Mahdi Jufri, examiner Anton Bahtiar, examiner Joshita Djajadisastra, examiner Katrin
    TLDR The 10% hibiscus leaf extract hair tonic promotes better hair growth than 2% minoxidil but can irritate eyes.
    The study evaluated the hair growth activity, physical stability, and safety of hair tonic formulations containing 2.5%, 5%, and 10% ethanolic extracts of hibiscus leaves (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.) on male rabbits. The 10% hibiscus leaf extract hair tonic demonstrated superior hair growth activity compared to 2% minoxidil, a positive control. Physical stability tests indicated that the hair tonic maintained good stability under various temperature conditions. Safety tests revealed no skin irritation, but the hair tonic caused eye irritation.
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