Acne related to dietary supplements

    January 2020 in “Dermatology Online Journal
    Dina Zamil, Ariadna Perez-Sanchez, Rajani Katta
    Image of study
    TLDR Some dietary supplements, like vitamins B6/B12, iodine, whey protein, and muscle-building products, can cause or worsen acne.
    In 2020, a study found that certain dietary supplements, including those containing vitamins B6/B12, iodine, whey, and potentially contaminated "muscle building supplements", could cause or aggravate acne. The acne generally resolved after discontinuing the supplement. High-dose vitamin B6 and B12 supplements were associated with monomorphic lesions, though the pathogenesis was unknown. Iodine-related acne, possibly linked to kelp supplements, presented as inflammatory pustules on the face and upper trunk. Whey protein supplements, used for bodybuilding, were associated with papulonodular acne on the trunk and sometimes the face. Acne induced by anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) was described as acne fulminans, acne conglobata, and acne papulopustulosa. The study emphasized the importance of dermatologists asking patients about their supplement use, as about half of US adults reported using dietary supplements.
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