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      Shampoos And Hair Conditioners

      research Shampoos And Hair Conditioners

      21 citations, July 1988 in “Clinics in dermatology”
      Good haircare and communication with doctors are key for managing hair loss.
      Cosmetic Approach for Healthy and Damaged Hair

      research Cosmetic Approach for Healthy and Damaged Hair

      January 2017 in “Clinical approaches and procedures in cosmetic dermatology”
      Cosmetic procedures can harm hair, but damage can be minimized with knowledge and care; however, once hair is damaged, it cannot be reliably repaired.
      Hair Cosmetics

      research Hair Cosmetics

      43 citations, January 2013 in “Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology”
      The article concludes that advancements in hair cosmetics require dermatologists to stay informed about products and their potential risks, including allergies and higher risks for hairdressers.

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