This Month in Archives of Dermatology
March 2006
in “
Archives of Dermatology

TLDR Topical steroids help Erosive Lichen Planus, finasteride with birth control aids Female Pattern Hair Loss, young age helps Occupational Hand Eczema prognosis, quitting smoking is key for Diffuse Dermal Angiomatosis, and a 3-site Botulinum Toxin A injection is effective for glabellar wrinkles.
In 2006, several studies were conducted on various dermatological conditions. A study on Erosive Lichen Planus of the Vulva (ELPV) involving 114 adult women found that patients responded well to ultrapotent topical steroids and combined steroid/antifungal/antibacterial preparations, but systemic therapies were less effective. The impact of early treatment on malignancy risk remained unclear. Another study on Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL) demonstrated the efficacy of a regimen of 2.5 mg/d of finasteride in combination with an oral contraceptive in premenopausal women. A follow-up study on Occupational Hand Eczema (OHE) involving 758 new cases found that age under 25 was a protective factor against poor prognosis, while lower socioeconomic status and atopic dermatitis were risk factors for severe or aggravated disease. A case report on Diffuse Dermal Angiomatosis (DDA) emphasized the need for smoking cessation as part of the therapeutic regimen. Lastly, a trial involving 221 patients with glabellar wrinkles found that a 3-site injection pattern of Botulinum Toxin A was essential for treatment, and additional sites did not significantly improve efficacy.