Submission to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Regarding Professional Obligations and Human Rights

    January 2021 in “ SSRN Electronic Journal
    Sean T. Murphy
    TLDR The submission argued that CPSO's referral policy undermines doctors' civil liberties and recommended changes to protect conscientious objections.
    The document discussed the implications of human rights law for physicians providing euthanasia/assisted suicide and critiqued the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario's (CPSO) policy on "effective referral." It argued that the policy, which requires physicians to refer patients for procedures they find unethical, infringed on civil liberties and professional freedom. The submission highlighted the distinction between cooperation and collaboration, suggesting that physicians are willing to provide information but not direct referrals. It recommended that CPSO adopt a conscience protection policy aligned with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and provided specific revisions to the current policy to address its problematic elements.
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