San Francisco Dermatological Society: Case Studies of Vitiligo in Children

    July 1974 in “ Archives of Dermatology
    Faye D. Arundell
    TLDR Ultraviolet light treatment with trioxsalen was ineffective for vitiligo in the cases described.
    An 8-year-old girl with vitiligo developed a depigmented patch on her abdomen at 8 months old, which increased in size with new lesions appearing. Despite three years of ultraviolet light treatment combined with trioxsalen, only perifollicular pigmentation occurred without confluent repigmentation. A 6-year-old boy with vitiligo and alopecia areata developed a depigmented patch in the right periorbital region, first noticed when his right eyebrow hairs turned white, leading to fewer hairs in the right eyebrow compared to the left.
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