Sanguisorba Officinalis Root Extract Has FGF-5 Inhibitory Activity and Reduces Hair Loss by Prolonging the Anagen Period
January 2007
in “
Nishinihon hifuka/Nishi Nihon hifuka

TLDR Great Burnet extract may prevent hair loss by extending the hair growth phase.
The study from 17 years ago found that Sanguisorba Officinalis Root Extract, also known as Great Burnet, has FGF-5 inhibitory activity, which could potentially prevent hair loss by suppressing the transition to the regression phase. The researchers screened various extracts for FGF-5 antagonistic action using an FGF receptor-1c-transfected Ba/F3 cell line and C3H mice, and discovered that Great Burnet had an FGF-5 activity inhibiting effect. Particularly, when the extract was applied to the back of C3H mice after hair removal during the second resting phase, the growth period after the hair growth day was extended. In a usage test with 39 subjects suffering from hair loss, the extract significantly reduced the number of lost hairs and the ratio of resting hairs. The clinical effects observed with Great Burnet were inferred to be related to the FGF-5 activity inhibiting effect observed in vitro and in vivo.