Preventing the Development of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome After Surgery

    October 2004 in “ Anesthesiology
    Scott S. Reuben, David C. Warltier
    Image of study
    TLDR Preoperative pain assessment, regional anesthesia, and vitamin C can help prevent CRPS after surgery.
    The document reviewed various strategies for preventing Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) after surgery, emphasizing the importance of preoperative pain assessment and the potential benefits of regional anesthesia. Key findings included the effectiveness of intravenous regional anesthesia with lidocaine and clonidine, which significantly reduced CRPS recurrence rates, and the administration of vitamin C, which showed strong evidence in reducing CRPS incidence. Other treatments like calcitonin and free radical scavengers showed promise but required further research. The need for more large-scale, randomized trials to confirm these findings and optimize treatment protocols was underscored.
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