Postsclerotherapy Hyperpigmentation: A Histologic Evaluation

    Mitchel P. Goldman, Richard P. Kaplan, David M. Duffy
    TLDR Most patients' skin darkening after sclerotherapy fades on its own within 6-24 months.
    The study evaluated post-sclerotherapy hyperpigmentation, which occurred in 10-30% of patients treated for vessels 0.1-5 mm in diameter. The hyperpigmentation was found to be due to the extravasation of red blood cells and deposition of hemosiderin, rather than melanocytic alteration. Treatment options included bleaching agents, trichloroacetic acid, and phenolic peeling agents, with varying success. Most patients (80%) experienced spontaneous clearance of pigmentation within 6-24 months, while some had persistent pigmentation for up to 5 years.
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