Plaque-Type Herpetic Folliculitis Involving the Eccrine Gland: Immunohistochemical Analysis

    July 2014 in “ The Journal of Dermatology
    Koichi Nakagawa, Masao Kishida, Yasutoshi Kimura, Hisayoshi Imanishi, Toshiyuki Ozawa, Daisuke Tsuruta, Rui Tanaka, Daisuke Watanabe
    TLDR Plaque-type herpetic folliculitis affects eccrine glands.
    The document discussed a case of plaque-type herpetic folliculitis involving the eccrine gland, analyzed through immunohistochemical methods. The study was conducted by a team of dermatologists from various hospitals and universities in Japan. The findings provided insights into the pathological features of this rare condition, although specific details and conclusions were not provided in the summary.
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