Eruptive Vellus Hair Cysts: Report of a Pediatric Case with Partial Response to Calcipotriene Therapy

    December 2009 in “ PubMed
    Emel Erkek, Gülcan Saylam Kurtipek, Deniz Duman, Cihat Şanlı, Sibel Erdoğan
    TLDR A child with eruptive vellus hair cysts showed some improvement with calcipotriene cream.
    A pediatric case of eruptive vellus hair cysts (EVHCs), characterized by asymptomatic, follicular, comedonelike papules on the chest and abdomen, was reported in association with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The condition showed a partial response to calcipotriene cream within 2 months. The report aimed to refamiliarize clinicians with this common but often unrecognized disorder of vellus hair follicles.
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