Mouse Intestinal Krt15+ Crypt Cells Are Radio-Resistant and Tumor Initiating

    May 2018 in “ Stem Cell Reports
    Véronique Giroux, Julien Stephan, Priya Chatterji, Ben Rhoades, E. Paul Wileyto, Andres J. Klein‐Szanto, Christopher J. Lengner, Kathryn E. Hamilton, Anil K. Rustgi
    TLDR Krt15+ cells in the mouse intestine resist radiation and can start tumors.
    The study concluded that Krt15+ crypt cells in the mouse intestine were radio-resistant, multipotent, and capable of initiating tumors upon Apc loss. These cells demonstrated self-renewal capacity, contributed to tissue regeneration post-radiation, and could give rise to adenomas and adenocarcinomas, indicating their significant role in both normal intestinal function and cancer development. The findings suggested that Krt15+ cells might represent a radio-resistant subpopulation of Lgr5+ cells and highlighted their potential as targets for cancer therapy.
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