Methodological Quality of Drug Safety Systematic Reviews: A Cross-Sectional Study
September 2018
in “
Value in Health

TLDR Cochrane systematic reviews have better methodological quality than non-Cochrane ones, and improvements are needed for the latter.
The study "Methodological Quality of Drug Safety Systematic Reviews: A Cross-sectional Study" conducted in 2018 examined the methodological quality of drug safety systematic reviews. The researchers included 120 systematic reviews, 60 of which were Cochrane systematic reviews and 60 were non-Cochrane systematic reviews. The methodological quality was assessed using the AMSTAR tool. The results showed that Cochrane systematic reviews had a higher overall score for methodological quality than non-Cochrane systematic reviews (10±0.9 vs. 8.67±0.95; P<0.001). The type of systematic review and the area of diseases were identified as factors associated with the methodological quality. The study concluded that the methodological quality of non-Cochrane systematic reviews should be improved in the future.