Long-Term Control of Epileptic Drop Attacks With the Combination of Valproate, Lamotrigine, and a Benzodiazepine: A Proof of Concept, Open Label Study

    April 2011 in “ Epilepsia
    Vitor Hugo Vaz Machado, André Palmini, Fernanda Almeida Bastos, Rosana Rotert
    Image of study
    TLDR The drug combination significantly reduced epileptic drop attacks in patients.
    The study evaluated the long-term control of epileptic drop attacks using a combination of valproate, lamotrigine, and a benzodiazepine in 32 patients. Over 12 months, the median number of drop attacks decreased by 96%, with 47% of patients becoming free of drop attacks. Side effects were reported by 68% of patients, including gastric intolerance, tremor, sedation, and hair loss. Despite the open-label design and potential biases, the significant and sustained reduction in drop attacks suggested that this drug combination could be effective and warranted further controlled trials.
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