Laccase-Catalyzed Poly(Tyrosine) Grafting Improves The Performance Of Wool
January 2024
in “
Authorea (Authorea)

TLDR Using laccase to add poly(tyrosine) to wool makes it less likely to shrink and stronger.
The study demonstrates that laccase-catalyzed poly(tyrosine) grafting significantly enhances wool's mechanical properties, hydrophilicity, and shrink-resistance without the environmental drawbacks of traditional chlorine-Hercosett treatments. Using laccase from Myceliophthora thermophila and polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a template, the process oxidizes tyrosine to di-tyrosine and other oligomers, which are grafted onto wool fibers. Analytical techniques confirmed the successful grafting and structural improvements, making this an eco-friendly and effective alternative for wool treatment.