Inflammatory Auxo-Action in the Stem Cell Division Theory of Cancer

    June 2023
    Neha Srivastava
    Image of study
    TLDR The reviewers found the manuscript on inflammation's role in cancer stem cells to be relevant but suggested it needs clarity, more background information, discussion on immune cells' role in tumors, updated references, and grammar corrections.
    The document is a peer review of a manuscript discussing the role of inflammatory responses in the stem cell division theory of cancer. The initial submission had issues with clarity, repetition, and undefined abbreviations, but these were addressed in the revised version. The manuscript's focus on the influence of inflammation on cancer stem cell transition and progression was found to be relevant and well-organized by the reviewers. However, they suggested further improvements such as revising the abstract for clarity, providing more background information on the effect of inflammatory responses on stem cells and cancer progression, discussing the role of different immune cells in tumor regulation, and improving the conclusion. They also recommended adding more recent references and correcting grammatical errors for better readability.
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