Impulse Control Disorders

    Marcia Kraft Goin
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    TLDR The book provides comprehensive information on Impulse Control Disorders but lacks definitive evidence for effective treatments.
    "Impulse Control Disorders," edited by Elias Aboujaoude and Lorrin M. Koran, is a detailed guide on the diagnosis, treatment, and understanding of Impulse Control Disorders (ICDs). The book is organized into four sections based on types of impulses: Acquisitive, Pellicular, Information-Seeking, and Sexual and Aggressive. It includes contributions from experts across the globe and covers a wide range of topics, such as compulsive buying, hypersexuality, and problematic internet use. Despite the extensive information and over 100 references provided, the book acknowledges that there are no well-established treatments for many ICDs, with both psychotherapy and medication being suggested without definitive evidence of effectiveness. The book also includes appendices with treatment guidelines and assessment instruments, making it a valuable resource for therapists. The reviewer, Marcia Kraft Goin, recommends the book for its readability and comprehensive coverage of ICDs, despite the lack of double-blind studies or controlled trials for many of the disorders discussed.
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