Hair Transplantation: Donor Area Management Techniques
February 2002
in “
Dermatologic Surgery
hair transplantation donor area management scalp operations trapezoidal pattern transecting follicles local anesthesia tumescence instrumentation closure protocol tension forces atraumatic closure tissue viability occipital tissues hair transplant donor area scalp surgery follicle preservation anesthesia swelling reduction surgical tools closure technique tension management tissue health back of the head

TLDR Best hair transplant results happen when tissues are least damaged.
This document from 2002 discusses the technical aspects of donor area management in hair transplantation surgery. The study involved over 1000 scalp operations using various techniques and instrumentation, and comparing and contrasting results. The best results were obtained when tissues were least traumatized. The document discusses the design of a trapezoidal pattern for the donor area strip to avoid transecting follicles, the use of local anesthesia, tumescence, and instrumentation in hair transplantation surgery, and the recommended closure protocol to limit tension forces and channel them away from superficial at-risk tissue. The author emphasizes the importance of atraumatic closure to ensure optimal tissue viability for later harvesting, and warns of potential problems with closure in cases where occipital tissues have been previously undermined.