Generalized Pustular Toxic Erythema: Pathogenetic Relationship Between Pustule and Epidermal Appendage (Hair Follicle or Sweat Duct)

    May 1978 in “ Acta Dermato Venereologica
    Atsuhiko Ogino, Hachiro Tagami, Catarina Satie Takahashi, Toshihiro Higuchi
    TLDR Pustules in toxic erythema are linked to hair follicles or sweat ducts.
    The study described seven patients with generalized toxic erythema characterized by sterile pustules, which were specifically localized to hair follicles or epidermal sweat ducts. Five of these patients had a history of medication use, exposure to organic solvents, or infections, suggesting a potential link between these factors and the development of the condition.
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