Functional Component Contents in Mature Leaves, Young Shoots, and Adventitious Shoots of Japanese Persimmon 'Saijo'
January 2008
in “
Food Science and Technology Research

TLDR Mature leaves of 'Saijo' persimmon have the most vitamin C and both mature leaves and new shoots are rich in polyphenols.
In the 2008 study, researchers analyzed the levels of ascorbic acid and polyphenols in different parts of the Japanese 'Saijo' persimmon. They discovered that mature leaves contained the highest amount of total ascorbic acid, while both mature leaves and adventitious shoots had high polyphenol levels, with young shoots showing remarkably low levels. Adventitious shoots had the highest concentrations of isoquercitrin and astragalin, suggesting that they could be used as food ingredients or for tea due to their high polyphenol content. The study indicated that the presence of branches and roots, which provide sugar and nutrients, is crucial for the synthesis of these functional components.