Ergonomics in Hair Restoration Surgeons

    March 2016 in “ Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology
    Kenneth C. Williams, Anik Gupta, Hayden Schultz
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    TLDR Half of hair restoration surgeons experience body discomfort, especially after follicular unit extraction procedures, and using ergonomic equipment or robotic devices could reduce this discomfort.
    In 2016, a survey of 38 hair restoration surgeons revealed that 50% experienced musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) such as pain, fatigue, and discomfort during or after procedures, particularly follicular unit extraction (FUE). These symptoms were more prevalent and lasted longer (7-24 hours postoperatively) in those performing FUE procedures compared to single strip excision procedures. Despite the importance of ergonomics, only 30% used ergonomic support during FUE procedures. The study suggested the use of ergonomic equipment and a robotic FUE device to reduce musculoskeletal stress.
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    1 / results
      Current Practices and Controversies in Cosmetic Hair Restoration

      research Current Practices and Controversies in Cosmetic Hair Restoration

      13 citations ,   May 2013 in “Dermatologic Surgery”
      The document concludes that hair restoration has advanced significantly, with FUE becoming more popular, and stresses the importance of physician training and ethical practices in the field.