Application of Electrosurgery in Scalp Reduction
March 1994
in “
The Journal of Dermatologic Surgery and Oncology
electrosurgery scalp reduction tungsten needle electrode hair restoration surgery hemostasis minimal heat trauma reduced scarring quicker healing less hair loss cleaner surgical fields shorter operating times low postoperative infection rates scalp reduction surgery hair restoration minimal scarring quick healing low infection rates

TLDR Using a tungsten needle for scalp reduction surgery improves healing, reduces hair loss, and lessens scarring.
From 1988 to 1992, the Peterson Medical Institute used an ultrasharp tungsten needle electrode in several hundred scalp reduction procedures, which proved to be beneficial in hair restoration surgery. The needle's ability to maintain sharpness and cause minimal heat trauma led to quicker healing, less hair loss, and reduced scarring. Although it did not always achieve complete hemostasis, it did so in about 2% of patients, with most cases showing significant improvement. The technique also resulted in less bleeding, cleaner surgical fields, shorter operating times, minimal smoke and odor, and low postoperative infection rates. Healing times averaged between 6 to 12 days. The study concluded that the tungsten needle is a valuable tool for scalp reduction surgery due to its precision and improved patient outcomes.