Determination of Individual In Vivo Hip Muscle Forces Using an EMG-to-Force Processing Model

    September 2014 in “ PM&R
    Ross A. Bogey, Lee Barnes
    Image of study
    TLDR The EMG-to-force model accurately predicts hip muscle forces during walking.
    The study aimed to determine individual in vivo hip muscle forces during self-selected level adult walking using an EMG-to-force processing model. Conducted in a motion analysis laboratory, the study involved 20 neurologically-intact adult males. The researchers used standard inverse dynamics techniques and a novel EMG-to-force processing technique to measure net hip moments. The results showed a high degree of agreement between the EMG-to-force processing model and the standard kinetic model, with a correlation coefficient (r²) of 0.91, significant at the 0.01 level. The study concluded that the EMG-to-force processing model was appropriate for predicting in vivo gait muscle forces, highlighting the importance of assessing individual muscle functions and their contributions to movement.
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