Counterfeit Medicines in Socioeconomic Perspective

    Desy Nuryunarsih
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    TLDR Counterfeit medicines are most common in developing countries and vary with a country's level of development.
    The document "Counterfeit Medicines in Socioeconomic Perspective" from May 24, 2017, analyzed 179 papers from 1990 to 2014 to examine the relationship between the Human Development Index (HDI) of various countries and the type of counterfeit medicines prevalent in those regions. The study found that counterfeit medicines potentially reach up to 70% of the global drug markets, with the majority found in developing countries. Counterfeit disease curing medicines were found in high varieties in countries with low HDI. Meanwhile, medicines for lifestyle were not only found in countries with high HDI but also existed in low to medium HDI countries. The study emphasized the challenge of raising public awareness about the dangers of counterfeit medicines due to diverse social, economic, and educational factors.
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