Evaluation of Coronary Sinus Strain in Patients with Dipper and Non-Dipper Hypertension
October 2013
in “
Journal of the American College of Cardiology

TLDR People with non-dipper hypertension have higher aldosterone levels, more strain on their heart's venous system, and increased risk of endothelial dysfunction.
The document contains three separate studies. The first study, involving 85 people, investigated the relationship between 24-hour urinary aldosterone levels and the nondipper pattern of blood pressure. The results showed that the amount of circulating aldosterone, determined by measurement of 24-hour urinary aldosterone, was significantly higher in nondippers, which could potentially cause heart issues due to its relation to cardiac fibrosis.
The second study, involving 112 hypertensive patients and 44 healthy subjects, aimed to investigate the effect of systemic hypertension on the cardiac venous system by evaluating the coronary sinus strain (CSS). The results suggested that systemic hypertension may affect the cardiac venous system, with the effect being more pronounced in non-dipper pattern hypertension.
The third study, involving 30 dippers, 31 nondippers hypertensive patients, and 25 healthy volunteers, aimed to investigate the effect of diurnal blood pressure on endothelial functions in essential hypertensive patients. The results showed a relationship between nondipper hypertension and increased endothelial dysfunction, suggesting that efforts for controlling blood pressure in nondipper hypertensive patients could provide better risk modification.