Chemical Gastroenterocolitis After Root Canal Therapy - A Case Report
October 2022
in “
International journal of research and review

TLDR A man had severe stomach issues after a dental treatment with Formacresol, which improved with a different medication.
A 46-year-old male developed severe abdominal discomfort and colitis after a dental re-root canal therapy using Formacresol. His symptoms improved when the medication was changed to calcium hydroxide paste. This case report highlights that Formacresol, though commonly used in dental treatments, can cause significant chemical inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, a rare condition typically affecting only one organ. Diagnosing chemical gastroenterocolitis can be difficult without a thorough patient history, and the report emphasizes the need to consider dental treatments in the diagnosis of unexplained GI inflammation. The purpose of the report is to increase awareness of this rare side effect of intracanal medicaments.