Letter: Body Hair Transplant into Wide Donor Scar

    June 2008 in “ Dermatologic Surgery
    Robert Jones
    Image of study
    TLDR Transplanting chest hair into scars can effectively treat wide donor scars from hair restoration surgery.
    In a letter to the editor from 2008, Dr. Robert Jones discussed a method for treating wide donor scars resulting from hair restoration surgery, which are challenging to address and often re-stretch after attempts at scar reduction. Dr. Jones described a technique involving the transplantation of chest hair into the scar using follicular unit extraction, where hair follicles are removed one at a time with a 1-mm punch. The grafts were placed at a density of about 30 per square centimeter and were out of the body for only 10 to 20 seconds before being implanted. The patient showed almost immediate hair growth within three months postoperatively, and the donor area was completely healed. The final results were expected to take up to a full year. This case suggested that body hair transplantation is an effective method for treating wide donor scars in hair restoration patients.
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