African Trypanosoma Infection in a Dog in France

    May 2011 in “ Veterinary Record
    Kristina Museux, Lilia Boulouha, S. Majani, H. Journaux
    This document described a case of African trypanosomosis in an eight-month-old German wire-haired pointer in France, which had traveled from Senegal. The dog presented with symptoms including cachexia, focal alopecia, stiff gait, and tachycardia. Initial tests suggested immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia, but PCR later confirmed Trypanosoma congolense savannah type infection. Despite treatment, the dog died following cardiovascular collapse. The case highlighted the importance of considering trypanosomosis in animals imported from Africa and the potential fatal risk of corticosteroid use in infected animals. It emphasized the need for thorough import examinations, including serological and PCR analysis, to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment.
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