New Case of Acute Hepatitis Following the Consumption of Shou Wu Pian, a Chinese Herbal Product Derived from Polygonum Multiflorum

    April 2004 in “ Annals of Internal Medicine
    Gabriela Mazzanti, Lucia Battinelli, Cláudia Daniele, Claudio Maria Mastroianni, Miriam Lichtner, S Coletta, S. Costantini
    TLDR Shou Wu Pian, a Chinese herbal product, can cause acute hepatitis.
    The document reported a new case of acute hepatitis following the consumption of Shou Wu Pian, a Chinese herbal product derived from Polygonum multiflorum. The case involved a patient who developed hepatotoxicity after using the product, which is commonly used as a tonic and antiaging remedy. This case added to the existing reports of hepatotoxicity associated with Shou Wu Pian, highlighting the potential risks of using herbal products without proper medical supervision. The authors emphasized the need for awareness and caution regarding the hepatotoxic effects of such herbal remedies.
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