A Technique for Reconstruction of Eyebrows and Eyelashes

    May 2005 in “ Seminars in Plastic Surgery
    Marcelo Gandelman
    Image of study
    TLDR The document concludes that hair follicular unit transplantation is an effective method for eyebrow and eyelash reconstruction, with patients happy despite needing regular trimming.
    The document from 2005 outlines a surgical technique for reconstructing eyebrows and eyelashes through hair follicular unit transplantation, which offers a more natural look compared to older methods like scalp hair strips and punch hair transplantation. It traces the history of eyebrow transplantation since 1914 and discusses causes of eyebrow and eyelash loss such as diseases, heredity, and trauma. The paper provides a comprehensive guide on the surgical process, including patient evaluation, preoperative and postoperative care, and the actual grafting technique for both eyebrows and eyelashes. It stresses the necessity of a well-equipped clinic, thorough medical history, and pre-surgery lab tests. Additionally, it suggests that tattooing can complement the surgical outcome. The document concludes with the observation that eyebrow grafts have a high growth rate and that patients are generally satisfied with the need to trim and maintain their new brows and lashes.
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