A Decade of Neglecting Sublingual Mass: A Case Report of Epidermoid Cyst

    Bramasto Purbo Sejati, Dimaz Aryo Nugroho Bandriananto, Cahya Yustisia Hasan, Didit Istadi
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    TLDR A man had a large, rare cyst in his mouth removed after 10 years, which fixed his swallowing and breathing problems.
    An 18-year-old male patient presented with a large epidermoid cyst in the oral cavity, which had been neglected for a decade. Epidermoid cysts are rare in the oral cavity, comprising only 1.6% of such cysts in the head and neck region, and can potentially become malignant. The patient's cyst, measuring 57.99 × 55.33 × 41.41 mm, caused difficulty in swallowing and respiratory distress. Diagnosis was supported by various imaging techniques, and the cyst was surgically removed through an intraoral approach. Histopathological examination confirmed the nature of the cyst, which had a thick wall and keratinized mass lumen. Post-surgery, the patient's symptoms resolved, and he recovered without aesthetic deficits.
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