In Vitro Release of Minoxidil From Topical Formulations

    November 1987 in “Archives of Dermatology
    Dallas Paraskevas
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    TLDR Lotions release minoxidil better than creams, with a recommended mix of propylene glycol, water, and ethanol improving effectiveness.
    The study from 1987 investigated the release of minoxidil from different topical formulations and found that lotions released minoxidil more effectively than creams, with creams showing 50% less release. A lotion with a specific ratio of propylene glycol, water, and ethanol (15:15:70) was recommended for topical application, especially when minoxidil is not available in topical form. The study used a Franz diffusion cell for measuring release and HPLC for analysis, concluding that the one-phase system of lotions facilitated better dissolution and release of minoxidil compared to the two-phase system of creams.
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