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    1. Featured Community Post

      FCE 28260: A Forgotten 5α-Reductase Inhibition

      by kwkbio

      FCE 28260 (PNU 156765), an under-explored 5α-reductase inhibitor, showcases promising results in research by Giudici et al., outperforming well-known treatments like Finasteride in reducing the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Its superior efficacy, demonstrated through lower IC50 values in both natural and human recombinant enzyme studies, suggests it could offer more effective management of DHT-related conditions. Additionally, its lower molecular weight hints at better potential for topical application, potentially offering advantages in treating conditions such as androgenic alopecia. Despite its potential, it has not advanced in development, possibly due to financial limitations, leaving its therapeutic prospects and side effect profile largely unexplored.

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    2. Fin losing effect after 7 months?

      Finasteride/Dutasteride Mooseman1944 noticed hair regrowth and less shedding during the first 6 months of taking finasteride, but is now experiencing increased shedding and thinning hair. They are considering switching to dutasteride or adding minoxidil if there's no improvement by next August.
    3. Progression or regression? One year of oral Fin (1mg daily) x oral Min (2.5mg daily)

      Progress Pictures The user has been taking oral finasteride (1mg daily) and oral minoxidil (2.5mg daily) for about a year to treat hair loss and is unsure about the progress, considering switching to dutasteride and increasing the minoxidil dose. Photos were shared for comparison, and another user suggested continuing the current treatment unless the condition worsens.
    4. 8 month progress so far (Sep 2023 - April 2024)

      Progress Pictures The user saw improvement in hair loss after 8 months by taking Finasteride three times a week, using Minoxidil, derma rolling once a week, and using Ketoconazole shampoo twice a week. They also mentioned working out and taking supplements.
    5. Sharing my 3.5 year journey, keep grinding guys

      Progress Pictures The user shared a 3.5-year hair loss treatment journey using 1 mg finasteride daily and minoxidil foam, noting significant improvement, especially in the third year. They also mentioned using Nizoral shampoo twice a week and supplements like vitamin D3, biotin, and omega 3 and 6.
    6. Progress from one year of finasteride only.

      Progress Pictures A 23-year-old man shared his one-year progress using finasteride for hair loss, starting with a lower dose due to side effects and gradually increasing to 1mg. He experienced manageable side effects and is considering adding minoxidil or switching to dutasteride in the future.
    7. Target Area Hair Count (TAHC) increase comparasion of all future treatments in clinical trial phases

      Research/Science Finasteride, Minoxidil, Bioneer CosmeRNA, Technoderma, Kintor, Hope, Breezula, and Follicum treatments showed increases in hair count, with Technoderma showing the highest increase at 24.3 hairs/cm². Amplifica has not yet published results.
    8. 19M started minoxidil 5% and dermarolling 4 months ago. First pic is the end of my first month (january 21) and the second is today (april 21). I apply minoxidil 2 times a day and dermaroll 0.5mm once a week. Thoughts?

      Progress Pictures A 19-year-old male has been using minoxidil 5% and dermarolling for four months to treat hair loss, applying minoxidil twice daily and dermarolling once a week. Commenters suggest consistent treatment, improving picture quality, and adding a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor to enhance results.
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    Image of study

    New in research

    1. Hair Regeneration in Androgenetic Alopecia using Secretome of Adipose-derived Stem Cells (ADSC) and Minoxidil: A Comparative Study of Three Groups

      The combination of ADSC secretome and minoxidil was most effective for hair growth in people with hair loss. Image of study
    2. Retinoic acid drives hair follicle stem cell activation via Wnt/β‐catenin signalling in androgenetic alopecia

      Retinoic acid helps activate hair growth in people with common hair loss by working on a specific cell growth pathway. Image of study
    3. 799 A Single Center Retrospective Cohort Study of Burn Scar Alopecia Surgery

      Surgery for burn scar alopecia often involves multiple procedures, and treatment options should be more accessible to improve self-image. Image of study
    4. Comparison of the Efficacy of Two Different Local Anesthesia Techniques for Mesotherapy in Temporal Region Alopecia

      Adding a zygomaticotemporal nerve block reduces pain more effectively during hair regrowth treatments. Image of study

      Exosomes show promise for diagnosing and treating skin conditions and hair loss. Image of study
    6. Lasers in the management of alopecia: a review of established therapies and advances in treatment

      Lasers and light therapies are effective in promoting hair regrowth for different types of hair loss. Image of study
    7. The Effects of Environmental Pollutants and Exposures on Hair Follicle Pathophysiology

      Environmental pollutants can damage hair health and cause hair loss. Image of study
    8. Use of Botulinum Toxin in Dermatology

      Botulinum toxin shows promise for treating skin conditions but needs more research for safety and effectiveness. Image of study
    9. Dermatologic needs of transgender and gender diverse youth: A retrospective cohort study

      Transgender and gender diverse youth often have skin issues like acne and scarring, but few get referred to dermatologists. Image of study
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