Hair Loss, Body Height and Attractiveness Malus for Men

    April 2024
    Ronald Henss
    Image of study
    TLDR Men with hair loss are seen as less attractive and shorter, and height is a key factor in attractiveness ratings.
    The study "Hair Loss, Body Height and Attractiveness Malus for Men" involved 1,618 participants who rated 59 male models on various aspects such as attractiveness, mood, social agreeableness, emotional stability, family orientation, professional status, intelligence, and masculine and mature physiognomy. The study found that hair loss significantly impacts attractiveness ratings, with men experiencing hair loss being rated as less attractive. However, the estimated height of the individual was the dominant variable in these assessments. Men with less hair were estimated to be shorter, and this correlation remained even when age was factored out. The study also found a significant "attractiveness malus" for men, particularly in relation to the sexual component of attractiveness. The age of the judges also had a significant effect on attractiveness, family orientation, and status ratings. The study concluded that there is a need for more research on the psychological impact of hair loss, body height, and the attractiveness malus for men.
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