Economic analysis of finasteride: A model-based approach using data from the Proscar long-term efficacy and safety study

    June 1999 in “ Clinical Therapeutics
    Peter C. Albertsen, James M. Pellissier, Franklin C. Lowe, Cynthia J. Girman, Claus G. Roehrborn
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    TLDR Finasteride is a cost-effective option for treating BPH, reducing risk of urinary issues and surgery.
    A study using data from the Proscar long-term efficacy and safety study found that finasteride is a cost-effective treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) compared to watchful waiting and terazosin over a 2-year period. Finasteride reduces the risk of acute urinary retention and surgery, resulting in cost savings. The study recommends finasteride as a viable option for BPH treatment.
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