Amino Acids Oral Treatment for the Amelioration of Skin, Hair, and Nails Conditions: An Open-Label Study

    Vincenzo Nobile, Enza Cestone, Marta Pisati, Gloria Roveda
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    TLDR Taking an amino acid supplement improved skin, hair, and nail health in women.
    The study involved 21 healthy Caucasian females aged between 35 and 70, who took an oral supplement containing a mixture of amino acids (Glycine, L-Alanine, L-Proline, L-Valine, L-Leucine, L-Lysine) for 84 days. The supplement significantly reduced wrinkle depth by 14.5%, improved skin smoothness by 7.7%, increased superficial skin moisturization by 9.2%, deep skin moisturization by 7.6%, skin elasticity by 11.9%, and skin thickness by 0.24 mm. Hair density improved with a 9.5% decrease in telogen hair (shedding phase), and hair loss was reduced with the total number of hair plucked decreasing to 6.3. Nail conditions improved in 62-67% of subjects, showing increased hardness, smoothness, evenness, and hydration. The supplement was well tolerated with no reported adverse reactions, suggesting that the tested amino acid mixture can improve skin, hair, and nail health.
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